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Lost Rabbit Labs - Full Spectrum Teaming & CyberSecurity

Take your Cybersecurity Defenses to the Next Level

Identifying existing vulnerabilities and threats by performing Threat Landscape Assessments, Penetration Testing, and Full Spectrum Teaming efforts is essential to ensure that your company has the necessary controls, monitoring, detection, alerting, and response in order to help protect it from becoming the next victim of a Cyber-attack. Do you know what your Threat Landscape really looks like to an attacker? Perform an all-in-one Threat Landscape Assessment, Vulnerability & Misconfiguration Scan, Digital Footprint & Inventory, and OSINT Investigation, with WisQuas™.

Learn More About WisQuas

Improve your Time To Remediation (TTR), with WisQuas, and perform next level Digital Footprint Discovery and Asset Analysis Crawling around your domain.

Current News, Info, & Updates

Who We Are, What We Do, & Our Passion For CyberSecurity

We are a small group of Rabbit-Holing Researchers, Developers, and Hackers who provide Professional Offensive and Defensive Security Services to clients of all sizes. We specialize in delivering high-value, actionable tools, information, and data enrichments with a strong focus on identification and removal of potential attack paths, vulnerabilities and information leakages around digital, and physical assets. Our commitment is to decrease cybercrime losses for our clients by strengthening their defensive cybersecurity posture and awareness, through collaborative teaming efforts and trusted partnerships.

Full Spectrum Teaming & CyberSecurity Services

Penetration Testing
Our Penetration Testing services cover a broad range including Internal and External Networks, Web Applications, API endpoints, Mobile Applications.
  • Internal/External Network Penetration Testing
  • Physical Security Assessments
  • Web Application & API Testing
  • Mobile Application Testing
  • WiFi / Bluetooth / RFID Testing
  • IoT / Hardware Testing
  • Phone, Video & Email Phishing Campaigns
Penetration Testing Services
OSINT Investigations & Threat Intel

Our OSINT Investigations & Threat Intel services include Attribution Investigation, Brand and Reputation Evaluations as well as Threat Landscape Awareness.

  • Digital Footprint Discovery
  • Credential Breach & Data Leak Detection
  • Attribution Investigation & Reporting
  • Brand Reputation Evaluation
  • Incident Response & Remediation
OSINT Investigation Services
Defensive Security Services & Support

Our professional Security Team can help your organization evolve its security posture, and internal procedures through our Defensive Security Services.

  • Policies, Procedures & Security Posturing
  • Ransomware Simulation & Awareness
  • VCISO Services & Support
  • Custom Training & Awareness Programs
  • Code Inspection & Review
  • Digital Asset Monitoring
  • Threat Landscape Awareness
Defensive Security Services
WisQuas - Scanning & Monitoring

Perform an all-in-one Threat Landscape Assessment, Vulnerability & Misconfiguration Scan, Digital Footprint & Inventory, and OSINT Investigation, with WisQuas.

“You are only as strong as your weakest link. When you check a chain for weakness, do you only check one link?”

  • Full-spectrum use-cases (Red/Blue/Purple Team)
  • Bug Bounty / Threat Hunting
WisQuas Services

Sample Reports

WisQuas™ - Threat Landscape Assessment
Digital Footprint Discovery & Asset Analysis Reports

After a domain has been scanned and thoroughly analyzed by one of our Strategic Security Team Analysts, the findings and issues found throughout the domain are categorized and condensed into this ~3 page report for your security team.

External/Internal Networks, Web Application, Mobile, IoT, Hardware, Physical

The purpose of this condensed test is to provide an affordable and ‘quick but thorough’ assessment around your entire domain, a network segment, a particular website or application, or a provided data point. Helps identify your organizations’ baseline security posturing and prioritize which weaknesses need to be addressed immediately.

External/Internal Networks, Web Application, Mobile, IoT, Hardware, Physical

Having more time to test and explore allows for deeper inspection of digital assets and services. This discounted effort includes a more thorough examination of your domain, applications and other digital assets in your organization.

Get in touch with us about our services